Good Girls Have Help Too – How To Hire A Cleaner.

You may be surprised to learn that I have a cleaner.  There is a woman who comes to my house once a week to clean for me. This isn’t a secret or anything, it’s not new, and it’s not unusual.  So why would I think you might be surprised? Well, because sometimes I am...

How to nail your organizing goals

Are you stumped not knowing where to start with decluttering and organising?  Perhaps there are too many things to tackle and getting started feels like a monumental task in itself?  If this is you then you might be missing the first important step...

How to organize your fridge and plan healthier meals

In our house, the kids going back to school usually means that’s my cue to being more “lunchbox organised”.  And, after the sugar high that was the Easter holiday break, making sure they have healthy food in their lunchboxes has never been more...

Why holidays are good for your decluttering mindset

When my little family and I first relocated to Yass (from Brisbane), we were put up in a furnished apartment close to my partner’s office while we looked for a rental property.  It felt like an immense luxury and I still feel very privileged and grateful for that...

Still, hanging onto clothes that don’t fit?

Are you still hanging onto clothes that you haven’t worn in years?  Decluttering your wardrobe can be a problem area, especially when you’re holding onto clothes that don’t fit anymore, or just don’t sit right because your body has changed size and shape after...

Why clever organizing hacks rarely work

Ah, Instagram…  For an organizing coach like me, it’s an online world of beautifully organized homes mixed with tips and hacks that look so simple to do.  The other day I was scrolling through my feed and two posts stood out to me.  The first post was...