In our house, the kids going back to school usually means that’s my cue to being more “lunchbox organised”. 

And, after the sugar high that was the Easter holiday break, making sure they have healthy food in their lunchboxes has never been more important. 

Research shows having a clean, well-organised kitchen helps you make healthier food choices. 

And, keeping a well-organised kitchen includes your fridge. 

The heart of the home – I mean, they say it’s the kitchen, but really… what’s a kitchen without a fridge? 

It’s just a plate laundry. 

Keeping your fridge organised means that you know what you have (it’s literally laid out in front of you!), which gives you more quality time to meal plan, make healthier food choices and buy only what you need – no double-ups! 

So, today I’m going to take you through 4 practical tips for cleaning out an overstuffed fridge so that you can easily plan lunchbox snacks and meals without having to play food Tetris every time you want something. 

Step 1 – Find a clear space 

A clear benchtop near your fridge is ideal, but if you’re working in a space with limited room then grab a handful of reusable bags. 

Step 2 – Take everything out of the fridge 

Empty the doors, drawers, shelves. Everything. If you’re worried about being distracted and leaving all of your cold stuff out to turn, you can work one shelf at a time. 

Once everything is out, clean the shelves with a damp cloth, or pull all the shelving and drawers out and scrub them in the sink. 

Step 3 – Sort your food into groups 

Common groups might be – Beverages, Snacks, Fruit, Veg, Meat, Dairy, Condiments. Do what works for your household. 

Dispose of any out-of-date products or foods you’ve realized you just won’t use. Also, take note of anything that needs to be used soon. 

Step 4 – Put the contents back in the fridge. 

As much as possible, keep groups of like items together. Label anything that ended up in a container so it’s easier to identify later. 

Don’t forget that you can check with your friends or neighbours to see if they could use any of your totally-ok-but-not-going-to-be-used food before you throw it out. 

It takes time to organise your fridge, cupboards, dining table and other kitchen space as well as working out a system to keep everything in its place.