Are you known as the “I’ve got this” person in your family, workplace or friends circle? 

You’re the person who can totally figure most things out and prefer to do everything on your own – yes? 

I ask because I’m that person. 

And, if you are too then you really need to read this – especially if you’re planning to add decluttering and organizing to your ‘to-do list this year. 

I know, and you know, that it’s a no brainer you can (and will) declutter and organise your home by yourself. 

Before you do, I just want you to take a moment and think about what taking on more really looks like for you. 

Here’s what it looked like for me. 

A few years ago I had multiple jobs, all of which I loved on one level or another, I was juggling work with school pick-up, after-school activities, care programs, buying groceries, making dinner, appointments… all the mum stuff. 

I was also trying to look after myself by exercising, and I was trying to manage my mood and mental health. 

I had so much going on that what little time I did have was spent mindlessly watching television without really enjoying it. 

And, if I wasn’t doing that I’d play pointless games on my phone. 

I was eating empty calories so blindly that I didn’t even taste them and I wasn’t even enjoying food. 

In fact, very little was enjoyable. 

And even though I was doing all the things, and I had all the things, I would still get snippy at my kids. 

I saw my partner every night but it wasn’t really quality time. 

We were trying to maintain a happy and loving relationship, even though we were both completely overworked, stressed, and exhausted. 

My point is, you CAN absolutely do it all, but do you really want to? 

That’s why I’m a BIG believer in outsourcing. 

It gets you more time and energy so you can show up for the things in your life that you actually want to be there for. 

And, if you’re still determined to declutter and organize on your own you can, but it will be faster, easier, and less stressful with help. 

Check out my membership program, Simplicity with Lauren Winzar, for the most supportive group to help you reach your goals!