
DIY decluttering (the smart way)

Are you known as the "I've got this" person in your family, workplace or friends circle?  You’re the person who can totally figure most things out and prefer to do everything on your own - yes?  I ask because I’m that person.  And, if you are too then...

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Why progress means more than perfection

"Oh my god I need your help, my room looks like a bomb hit it!" A client messaged me out of the blue one morning. Someone I had been working with for a while.  When I arrived at her house and saw her room I couldn’t help but smile.  Not because I was...

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I’m Lauren

Before you start a bonfire of all your family's belongings that are so out-of-control you just can't stand it anymore; using self-help books and well-meaning chore charts as kindling ... give me a call,
I can help you make sense of the chaos.