
Ten easy steps to get your tween to clean.

Our kids are people too. Their motivations differ just as much as your motivations differ from those of your colleagues, partner, friends or even from yourself (if you’re like me) from one minute to the next. So advice such as “just make them” or “rewards charts” or...

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How to avoid laundry basket buyers remorse.

Walking past the many temptations of Bunnings one afternoon, I doubled back as the glossy white plastic of the laundry aisle caught my attention. Those of you who share my penchant for lusting after images of beautifully decorated home spaces and laundries that look...

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Op-shopping: an uncluttered wardrobe you love for less!

Shopping is such an integral part of modern life, especially for women. From quite a young age we get a taste for hunting down bargains and the intoxicating thrill of finding the 'perfect' item. Clothes shopping is especially pungent. As our bodies or jobs or...

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I’m Lauren

Before you start a bonfire of all your family's belongings that are so out-of-control you just can't stand it anymore; using self-help books and well-meaning chore charts as kindling ... give me a call,
I can help you make sense of the chaos.